Are you worried that Worcester Bosch boiler has slipped out of warranty?

Perhaps you didn’t receive a reminder from your installer, or you simply forgot to book your annual service – it’s easily done. In fact, I’ve visited many previous customers who have had exactly the same issue.

Worcester boiler warranties are particularly good as you can get up to 10 years cover when fitted with a Worcester Bosch filter and controls – but that’s also plenty of time for you to accidentally forget about an annual service.

Doing so could mean your warranty becomes invalid.

The good news is, it can be remedied. Below, I’m going to give you some tips and advice on how to keep your Worcester boiler warranty after you’ve missed an annual service.


Whose responsibility is it to arrange an annual service?

Often, there can be a bit of confusion about whose responsibility it is to arrange an annual service for your boiler. Perhaps your installer said he’d call back in a year but you never heard back from them, or maybe you just assumed they would come back in a year’s time.

Unfortunately, as the owner of the boiler in question, the responsibility falls on you to ensure your annual service is carried out. That’s why it’s a good idea to add the date of the boiler installation or annual service due date into your diary or calendar.

You could also ask your heating engineer or installer for a reminder when the time comes, although smaller companies don’t always have the processes in place to send timely reminders of when a service is due.

What to do if you miss an annual service

If you’ve missed your Worcester Bosch boiler‘s annual service, the first thing you should do is contact Worcester Bosch and ask if your warranty is still valid by quoting the serial number. If you’ve only just missed a service, there may be a little lee-way before the warranty expires.

However, if you’ve missed your annual service and your Worcester Bosch boiler has slipped out of warranty, your next step is to call a Worcester Bosch accredited installer.

Once you’ve explained the situation to the accredited installer, ask if there’s anything they might be able to do to help bring the warranty up-to-date. It may mean paying a small fee, but this is usually worth it if it means you get to keep your warranty for another few years.

TIP: Always make sure you get the log booked filled out when your boiler has its service, and ask for a proof of service receipt.

How to always keep hold of your warranty

If you want to ensure you never miss an annual service again, and keep hold of that Worcester Bosch 5, 8 or 10-year warranty, you have the option of setting up a monthly direct debit or standing order with your preferred company.

Superwarm have recently started doing this for our customers, and a lot of them prefer it as it means that you pay a little every month to cover the cost of your annual service (usually £90 spread over 12 months at £7.50 per month).

So, when the time comes, the company will get in touch with you to arrange the service as part of your ongoing price plan – and because you’re paying for it, the responsibility falls on them to arrange the service. It also means that the cost is already covered.

TIP: The next time you get a new boiler installed (or have it serviced with a new company) always check your they will contact you in a year’s time. There’s no point in getting a 10-year guarantee and losing it because no-one remembered to service the boiler.


If you’re worried your Worcester Bosch boiler has slipped out of warranty, the best thing to do is to call Worcester Bosch and check by quoting the serial number. Sometimes there may be a bit of leeway if you’ve only just missed a service.

If your warranty has expired, your next step is to call a Worcester Bosch accredited installer and ask if there’s anything they can do to bring your boiler’s warranty up-to-date – it’ll probably incur a small charge, but it’ll be worth it to keep your warranty in-tact for the next few years.

Some companies now have the option of setting up a direct debit or standing order so you can pay for your service in monthly installments. It also means that it becomes the company’s responsibility to get in touch and service your boiler on-time.

How long is your Worcester boiler warranty?